Subset of Common Set

These messages are reproduced from the original documentation at – MAVLink Common Message Set. This is only a subset of the full list, including only messages used in the MARSH project, to make the protocol less overwhelming.

Before designing a new message, first check the original documentation linked above. If you find a useful message in the common set, consider editing the list of identifiers used for generating this page.


Field z in the MANUAL_CONTROL message should contain 0 for lowest achievable blade tilt and 1 for highest. As a result, the trim position for collective is probably not 0, and is determined by the flight model. This also means that the input inceptor for collective is between 0 and 1 unlike cyclic and pedals. Do not send negative z values, unless flying acrobatic rotorcraft upside-down or fixed wing with reverse thrust.

Message MANUAL_SETPOINT is used for desired control positions (as displayed in Lidia), so the values for all fields should be treated as normalized controls positions between -1 and 1 instead of rad/s. It is not supported by ArduPilot at all, and only used for Rover in PX4, so no collisions are expected. Different meaning (target, trim) can be assigned to the values in the mode_switch field as defined in MARSH_MANUAL_SETPOINT_MODE

Message RAW_RPM for helicopters should send rotor with index 0, and then engines in order.

The message SIM_STATE and other messages with accelerations, report them as would be measured by an on-board accelerometer. The values correspond to accelerations in the body reference frame axes: X forward, Y right, Z down. The gravity should also be included, so for a stationary and horizontal vehicle the acceleration vector in meters per second squared is [0, 0, -9.80665], with X component becoming positive as it accelerates forward (tested with ArduPilot SITL).

Specifically message SIM_STATE should be sent with attitude encoded both as quaternion and Euler angles if possible. If a sender is outputting only Euler angles, the quaternion should be sent as [0, 0, 0, 0] (instead of [1, 0, 0, 0] for identity rotation). The receivers can detect if the quaternion contains valid data by comparing the vector magnitude (all components squared) to 1 with some tolerance for numeric error.

Definition list

Generated on 2025-02-25T15:42:06 from commit d148709

MAVLink Include Files: standard.xml

MAVLink Protocol Version

The current MAVLink version is 2.3. The minor version numbers (after the dot) range from 1-255.

This file has protocol dialect: 0.

MAVLink Type Enumerations


[Enum] Coordinate frames used by MAVLink. Not all frames are supported by all commands, messages, or vehicles. Global frames use the following naming conventions: - "GLOBAL": Global coordinate frame with WGS84 latitude/longitude and altitude positive over mean sea level (MSL) by default. The following modifiers may be used with "GLOBAL": - "RELATIVE_ALT": Altitude is relative to the vehicle home position rather than MSL. - "TERRAIN_ALT": Altitude is relative to ground level rather than MSL. - "INT": Latitude/longitude (in degrees) are scaled by multiplying by 1E7. Local frames use the following naming conventions: - "LOCAL": Origin of local frame is fixed relative to earth. Unless otherwise specified this origin is the origin of the vehicle position-estimator ("EKF"). - "BODY": Origin of local frame travels with the vehicle. NOTE, "BODY" does NOT indicate alignment of frame axis with vehicle attitude. - "OFFSET": Deprecated synonym for "BODY" (origin travels with the vehicle). Not to be used for new frames. Some deprecated frames do not follow these conventions (e.g. MAV_FRAME_BODY_NED and MAV_FRAME_BODY_OFFSET_NED).

Value Field Name Description
0 MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL Global (WGS84) coordinate frame + altitude relative to mean sea level (MSL).
1 MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED NED local tangent frame (x: North, y: East, z: Down) with origin fixed relative to earth.
2 MAV_FRAME_MISSION NOT a coordinate frame, indicates a mission command.
3 MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT Global (WGS84) coordinate frame + altitude relative to the home position.
4 MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_ENU ENU local tangent frame (x: East, y: North, z: Up) with origin fixed relative to earth.

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL (2024-03). Use MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL in COMMAND_INT (and elsewhere) as a synonymous replacement.

Global (WGS84) coordinate frame (scaled) + altitude relative to mean sea level (MSL).

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT (2024-03). Use MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT in COMMAND_INT (and elsewhere) as a synonymous replacement.

Global (WGS84) coordinate frame (scaled) + altitude relative to the home position.
7 MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_OFFSET_NED NED local tangent frame (x: North, y: East, z: Down) with origin that travels with the vehicle.

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD (2019-08).

Same as MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED when used to represent position values. Same as MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD when used with velocity/acceleration values.

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD (2019-08).

This is the same as MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD.
10 MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT Global (WGS84) coordinate frame with AGL altitude (altitude at ground level).

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT (2024-03). Use MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT in COMMAND_INT (and elsewhere) as a synonymous replacement.

Global (WGS84) coordinate frame (scaled) with AGL altitude (altitude at ground level).
12 MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD FRD local frame aligned to the vehicle's attitude (x: Forward, y: Right, z: Down) with an origin that travels with vehicle.

DEPRECATED: Replaced by (2019-04).

MAV_FRAME_BODY_FLU - Body fixed frame of reference, Z-up (x: Forward, y: Left, z: Up).

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_FRD (2019-04).

MAV_FRAME_MOCAP_NED - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a motion capture system, Z-down (x: North, y: East, z: Down).

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_FLU (2019-04).

MAV_FRAME_MOCAP_ENU - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a motion capture system, Z-up (x: East, y: North, z: Up).

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_FRD (2019-04).

MAV_FRAME_VISION_NED - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a vision estimation system, Z-down (x: North, y: East, z: Down).

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_FLU (2019-04).

MAV_FRAME_VISION_ENU - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by a vision estimation system, Z-up (x: East, y: North, z: Up).

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_FRD (2019-04).

MAV_FRAME_ESTIM_NED - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by an estimator running onboard the vehicle, Z-down (x: North, y: East, z: Down).

DEPRECATED: Replaced by MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_FLU (2019-04).

MAV_FRAME_ESTIM_ENU - Odometry local coordinate frame of data given by an estimator running onboard the vehicle, Z-up (x: East, y: North, z: Up).
20 MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_FRD FRD local tangent frame (x: Forward, y: Right, z: Down) with origin fixed relative to earth. The forward axis is aligned to the front of the vehicle in the horizontal plane.
21 MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_FLU FLU local tangent frame (x: Forward, y: Left, z: Up) with origin fixed relative to earth. The forward axis is aligned to the front of the vehicle in the horizontal plane.


[Enum] Specifies the datatype of a MAVLink parameter.

Value Field Name Description
1 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT8 8-bit unsigned integer
2 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT8 8-bit signed integer
3 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT16 16-bit unsigned integer
4 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT16 16-bit signed integer
5 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT32 32-bit unsigned integer
6 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT32 32-bit signed integer
7 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT64 64-bit unsigned integer
8 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT64 64-bit signed integer
9 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL32 32-bit floating-point
10 MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL64 64-bit floating-point


[Enum] Indicates the severity level, generally used for status messages to indicate their relative urgency. Based on RFC-5424 using expanded definitions at:

Value Field Name Description
0 MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY System is unusable. This is a "panic" condition.
1 MAV_SEVERITY_ALERT Action should be taken immediately. Indicates error in non-critical systems.
2 MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL Action must be taken immediately. Indicates failure in a primary system.
3 MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR Indicates an error in secondary/redundant systems.
4 MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING Indicates about a possible future error if this is not resolved within a given timeframe. Example would be a low battery warning.
5 MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE An unusual event has occurred, though not an error condition. This should be investigated for the root cause.
6 MAV_SEVERITY_INFO Normal operational messages. Useful for logging. No action is required for these messages.
7 MAV_SEVERITY_DEBUG Useful non-operational messages that can assist in debugging. These should not occur during normal operation.


[Enum] Bitmap to indicate which dimensions should be ignored by the vehicle: a value of 0b0000000000000000 or 0b0000001000000000 indicates that none of the setpoint dimensions should be ignored. If bit 9 is set the floats afx afy afz should be interpreted as force instead of acceleration.

Value Field Name Description
512 POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_FORCE_SET Use force instead of acceleration

MAVLink Commands (MAV_CMD)

MAVLink commands (MAV_CMD) and messages are different! These commands define the values of up to 7 parameters that are packaged INSIDE specific messages used in the Mission Protocol and Command Protocol. Use commands for actions in missions or if you need acknowledgment and/or retry logic from a request. Otherwise use messages.

Commands to be executed by the MAV. They can be executed on user request, or as part of a mission script. If the action is used in a mission, the parameter mapping to the waypoint/mission message is as follows: Param 1, Param 2, Param 3, Param 4, X: Param 5, Y:Param 6, Z:Param 7. This command list is similar what ARINC 424 is for commercial aircraft: A data format how to interpret waypoint/mission data. NaN and INT32_MAX may be used in float/integer params (respectively) to indicate optional/default values (e.g. to use the component's current yaw or latitude rather than a specific value). See for information about the structure of the MAV_CMD entries

MAVLink Messages


[Message] Request to read the onboard parameter with the param_id string id. Onboard parameters are stored as key[const char*] -> value[float]. This allows to send a parameter to any other component (such as the GCS) without the need of previous knowledge of possible parameter names. Thus the same GCS can store different parameters for different autopilots. See also for a full documentation of QGroundControl and IMU code.

Field Name Type Description
target_system uint8_t System ID
target_component uint8_t Component ID
param_id char[16] Onboard parameter id, terminated by NULL if the length is less than 16 human-readable chars and WITHOUT null termination (NULL) byte if the length is exactly 16 chars - applications have to provide 16+1 bytes storage if the ID is stored as string
param_index int16_t Parameter index. Send -1 to use the param ID field as identifier (else the param id will be ignored)


[Message] Request all parameters of this component. After this request, all parameters are emitted. The parameter microservice is documented at

Field Name Type Description
target_system uint8_t System ID
target_component uint8_t Component ID


[Message] Emit the value of a onboard parameter. The inclusion of param_count and param_index in the message allows the recipient to keep track of received parameters and allows him to re-request missing parameters after a loss or timeout. The parameter microservice is documented at

Field Name Type Values Description
param_id char[16] Onboard parameter id, terminated by NULL if the length is less than 16 human-readable chars and WITHOUT null termination (NULL) byte if the length is exactly 16 chars - applications have to provide 16+1 bytes storage if the ID is stored as string
param_value float Onboard parameter value
param_type uint8_t MAV_PARAM_TYPE Onboard parameter type.
param_count uint16_t Total number of onboard parameters
param_index uint16_t Index of this onboard parameter

PARAM_SET ( #23 )

[Message] Set a parameter value (write new value to permanent storage). The receiving component should acknowledge the new parameter value by broadcasting a PARAM_VALUE message (broadcasting ensures that multiple GCS all have an up-to-date list of all parameters). If the sending GCS did not receive a PARAM_VALUE within its timeout time, it should re-send the PARAM_SET message. The parameter microservice is documented at

Field Name Type Values Description
target_system uint8_t System ID
target_component uint8_t Component ID
param_id char[16] Onboard parameter id, terminated by NULL if the length is less than 16 human-readable chars and WITHOUT null termination (NULL) byte if the length is exactly 16 chars - applications have to provide 16+1 bytes storage if the ID is stored as string
param_value float Onboard parameter value
param_type uint8_t MAV_PARAM_TYPE Onboard parameter type.

ATTITUDE ( #30 )

[Message] The attitude in the aeronautical frame (right-handed, Z-down, Y-right, X-front, ZYX, intrinsic).

Field Name Type Units Description
time_boot_ms uint32_t ms Timestamp (time since system boot).
roll float rad Roll angle (-pi..+pi)
pitch float rad Pitch angle (-pi..+pi)
yaw float rad Yaw angle (-pi..+pi)
rollspeed float rad/s Roll angular speed
pitchspeed float rad/s Pitch angular speed
yawspeed float rad/s Yaw angular speed


[Message] The filtered local position (e.g. fused computer vision and accelerometers). Coordinate frame is right-handed, Z-axis down (aeronautical frame, NED / north-east-down convention)

Field Name Type Units Description
time_boot_ms uint32_t ms Timestamp (time since system boot).
x float m X Position
y float m Y Position
z float m Z Position
vx float m/s X Speed
vy float m/s Y Speed
vz float m/s Z Speed


[Message] This message provides an API for manually controlling the vehicle using standard joystick axes nomenclature, along with a joystick-like input device. Unused axes can be disabled and buttons states are transmitted as individual on/off bits of a bitmask

Field Name Type Description
target uint8_t The system to be controlled.
x int16_t X-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. A value of INT16_MAX indicates that this axis is invalid. Generally corresponds to forward(1000)-backward(-1000) movement on a joystick and the pitch of a vehicle.
y int16_t Y-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. A value of INT16_MAX indicates that this axis is invalid. Generally corresponds to left(-1000)-right(1000) movement on a joystick and the roll of a vehicle.
z int16_t Z-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. A value of INT16_MAX indicates that this axis is invalid. Generally corresponds to a separate slider movement with maximum being 1000 and minimum being -1000 on a joystick and the thrust of a vehicle. Positive values are positive thrust, negative values are negative thrust.
r int16_t R-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. A value of INT16_MAX indicates that this axis is invalid. Generally corresponds to a twisting of the joystick, with counter-clockwise being 1000 and clockwise being -1000, and the yaw of a vehicle.
buttons uint16_t A bitfield corresponding to the joystick buttons' 0-15 current state, 1 for pressed, 0 for released. The lowest bit corresponds to Button 1.
buttons2 ** uint16_t A bitfield corresponding to the joystick buttons' 16-31 current state, 1 for pressed, 0 for released. The lowest bit corresponds to Button 16.
enabled_extensions ** uint8_t Set bits to 1 to indicate which of the following extension fields contain valid data: bit 0: pitch, bit 1: roll, bit 2: aux1, bit 3: aux2, bit 4: aux3, bit 5: aux4, bit 6: aux5, bit 7: aux6
s ** int16_t Pitch-only-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. Generally corresponds to pitch on vehicles with additional degrees of freedom. Valid if bit 0 of enabled_extensions field is set. Set to 0 if invalid.
t ** int16_t Roll-only-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. Generally corresponds to roll on vehicles with additional degrees of freedom. Valid if bit 1 of enabled_extensions field is set. Set to 0 if invalid.
aux1 ** int16_t Aux continuous input field 1. Normalized in the range [-1000,1000]. Purpose defined by recipient. Valid data if bit 2 of enabled_extensions field is set. 0 if bit 2 is unset.
aux2 ** int16_t Aux continuous input field 2. Normalized in the range [-1000,1000]. Purpose defined by recipient. Valid data if bit 3 of enabled_extensions field is set. 0 if bit 3 is unset.
aux3 ** int16_t Aux continuous input field 3. Normalized in the range [-1000,1000]. Purpose defined by recipient. Valid data if bit 4 of enabled_extensions field is set. 0 if bit 4 is unset.
aux4 ** int16_t Aux continuous input field 4. Normalized in the range [-1000,1000]. Purpose defined by recipient. Valid data if bit 5 of enabled_extensions field is set. 0 if bit 5 is unset.
aux5 ** int16_t Aux continuous input field 5. Normalized in the range [-1000,1000]. Purpose defined by recipient. Valid data if bit 6 of enabled_extensions field is set. 0 if bit 6 is unset.
aux6 ** int16_t Aux continuous input field 6. Normalized in the range [-1000,1000]. Purpose defined by recipient. Valid data if bit 7 of enabled_extensions field is set. 0 if bit 7 is unset.


[Message] Setpoint in roll, pitch, yaw and thrust from the operator

Field Name Type Units Description
time_boot_ms uint32_t ms Timestamp (time since system boot).
roll float rad/s Desired roll rate
pitch float rad/s Desired pitch rate
yaw float rad/s Desired yaw rate
thrust float Collective thrust, normalized to 0 .. 1
mode_switch uint8_t Flight mode switch position, 0.. 255
manual_override_switch uint8_t Override mode switch position, 0.. 255


[Message] Sets a desired vehicle position in a local north-east-down coordinate frame. Used by an external controller to command the vehicle (manual controller or other system).

Field Name Type Units Values Description
time_boot_ms uint32_t ms Timestamp (time since system boot).
target_system uint8_t System ID
target_component uint8_t Component ID
type_mask uint16_t POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK Bitmap to indicate which dimensions should be ignored by the vehicle.
x float m X Position in NED frame
y float m Y Position in NED frame
z float m Z Position in NED frame (note, altitude is negative in NED)
vx float m/s X velocity in NED frame
vy float m/s Y velocity in NED frame
vz float m/s Z velocity in NED frame
afx float m/s/s X acceleration or force (if bit 10 of type_mask is set) in NED frame in meter / s^2 or N
afy float m/s/s Y acceleration or force (if bit 10 of type_mask is set) in NED frame in meter / s^2 or N
afz float m/s/s Z acceleration or force (if bit 10 of type_mask is set) in NED frame in meter / s^2 or N
yaw float rad yaw setpoint
yaw_rate float rad/s yaw rate setpoint


[Message] Reports the current commanded vehicle position, velocity, and acceleration as specified by the autopilot. This should match the commands sent in SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED if the vehicle is being controlled this way.

Field Name Type Units Values Description
time_boot_ms uint32_t ms Timestamp (time since system boot).
type_mask uint16_t POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK Bitmap to indicate which dimensions should be ignored by the vehicle.
x float m X Position in NED frame
y float m Y Position in NED frame
z float m Z Position in NED frame (note, altitude is negative in NED)
vx float m/s X velocity in NED frame
vy float m/s Y velocity in NED frame
vz float m/s Z velocity in NED frame
afx float m/s/s X acceleration or force (if bit 10 of type_mask is set) in NED frame in meter / s^2 or N
afy float m/s/s Y acceleration or force (if bit 10 of type_mask is set) in NED frame in meter / s^2 or N
afz float m/s/s Z acceleration or force (if bit 10 of type_mask is set) in NED frame in meter / s^2 or N
yaw float rad yaw setpoint
yaw_rate float rad/s yaw rate setpoint

SIM_STATE ( #108 )

[Message] Status of simulation environment, if used

Field Name Type Units Description
q1 float True attitude quaternion component 1, w (1 in null-rotation)
q2 float True attitude quaternion component 2, x (0 in null-rotation)
q3 float True attitude quaternion component 3, y (0 in null-rotation)
q4 float True attitude quaternion component 4, z (0 in null-rotation)
roll float rad Attitude roll expressed as Euler angles, not recommended except for human-readable outputs
pitch float rad Attitude pitch expressed as Euler angles, not recommended except for human-readable outputs
yaw float rad Attitude yaw expressed as Euler angles, not recommended except for human-readable outputs
xacc float m/s/s X acceleration
yacc float m/s/s Y acceleration
zacc float m/s/s Z acceleration
xgyro float rad/s Angular speed around X axis
ygyro float rad/s Angular speed around Y axis
zgyro float rad/s Angular speed around Z axis
lat float deg Latitude (lower precision). Both this and the lat_int field should be set.
lon float deg Longitude (lower precision). Both this and the lon_int field should be set.
alt float m Altitude
std_dev_horz float Horizontal position standard deviation
std_dev_vert float Vertical position standard deviation
vn float m/s True velocity in north direction in earth-fixed NED frame
ve float m/s True velocity in east direction in earth-fixed NED frame
vd float m/s True velocity in down direction in earth-fixed NED frame
lat_int ** int32_t degE7 Latitude (higher precision). If 0, recipients should use the lat field value (otherwise this field is preferred).
lon_int ** int32_t degE7 Longitude (higher precision). If 0, recipients should use the lon field value (otherwise this field is preferred).


[Message] Status text message. These messages are printed in yellow in the COMM console of QGroundControl. WARNING: They consume quite some bandwidth, so use only for important status and error messages. If implemented wisely, these messages are buffered on the MCU and sent only at a limited rate (e.g. 10 Hz).

Field Name Type Values Description
severity uint8_t MAV_SEVERITY Severity of status. Relies on the definitions within RFC-5424.
text char[50] Status text message, without null termination character
id ** uint16_t Unique (opaque) identifier for this statustext message. May be used to reassemble a logical long-statustext message from a sequence of chunks. A value of zero indicates this is the only chunk in the sequence and the message can be emitted immediately.
chunk_seq ** uint8_t This chunk's sequence number; indexing is from zero. Any null character in the text field is taken to mean this was the last chunk.

RAW_RPM ( #339 )

[Message] (MAVLink 2) RPM sensor data message.

Field Name Type Units Description
index uint8_t Index of this RPM sensor (0-indexed)
frequency float rpm Indicated rate


[Message] (MAVLink 2) Basic component information data. Should be requested using MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE on startup, or when required.

Field Name Type Units Values Description
time_boot_ms uint32_t ms Timestamp (time since system boot).
capabilities uint64_t MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY Component capability flags
time_manufacture_s uint32_t s Date of manufacture as a UNIX Epoch time (since 1.1.1970) in seconds.
vendor_name char[32] Name of the component vendor. Needs to be zero terminated. The field is optional and can be empty/all zeros.
model_name char[32] Name of the component model. Needs to be zero terminated. The field is optional and can be empty/all zeros.
software_version char[24] Software version. The recommended format is SEMVER: 'major.minor.patch' (any format may be used). The field must be zero terminated if it has a value. The field is optional and can be empty/all zeros.
hardware_version char[24] Hardware version. The recommended format is SEMVER: 'major.minor.patch' (any format may be used). The field must be zero terminated if it has a value. The field is optional and can be empty/all zeros.
serial_number char[32] Hardware serial number. The field must be zero terminated if it has a value. The field is optional and can be empty/all zeros.